Have you ever tried sea vegetables before?
Think of nori rolls – the thin green outer wrap is a sea vegetable.
They are super healthy and can be added to any savoury dish including salads, stews, soups etc…
With a rich salty taste these wonders from the ocean are high in minerals – close to the mineral contents of human blood.
They contain high amounts of calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, sodium, iron and iodine making them fabulous chelating agents (have the ability to remove heavy metals from our body.)
As an added bonus they are a great source of phytochemicals and have a balancing effect on the thyroid.
So what else are they good for:
- Help protect sensitive from the sun
- Help improve blood circulation in the scalp
- Help the immune system
- Has an alkaline effect on the body
My favs are Dulse flakes, Nori flakes and rolls and Wakame flakes.
So, add some sea veggies to your diet today!
Let food be thy medicine and medicine by thy food…. Hippocrates.